Become a member

Join us

Child Rights Coalition Asia (CRC Asia) welcomes applications for member organizations that work towards the realization of children’s rights as enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) and its Optional Protocols.

Benefits and rights of our members

By being a member, we can:

  • Foster the enhancement of your knowledge and skills on child rights and on conducting rights-based advocacy at the national, regional and international levels through participation in our capacity building activities
  • Strengthen your contributions to the monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the UN CRC
  • Link you with various organizations that support children’s rights, share evidence-based information and resources, and implement joint activities that improve the lives of children
  • Provide you with the latest information on child rights at the regional and international levels
  • Promote your work to a regional and global audience
  • Provide you with technical and financial support for child rights efforts done at the national level

Once you become a member, your rights include the following:

  • Attendance to our annual General Assembly meeting
  • Inclusion in our list of members in different communication platforms
  • Access to news, reports, and information about our activities and other opportunities
  • Contributions to discussions regarding policies, responses to consultations, preparation of statements, and the development of resources and other projects
  • Expressions of agreement, reservations, and dissent on organizational and program matters
  • Participation in decision-making processes
  • Presentation of proposals to amend to organizational policies and by-laws
  • Voting rights (One vote per member organization)
  • Membership to any of our working groups

Responsibilities of our members

We expect our members to:

  • Uphold our values and policies in your operations and program implementation
  • Become a CRC Asia ambassador by promoting our mission and advocacies whenever and wherever possible
  • Assign a main representative and an alternate representative who will be given authority to participate and make decisions on behalf of your organization
  • Join one or more working group
  • Contribute to our work by participating in discussions, meetings, and working group activities; responding immediately to requests for information or feedback; representing CRC Asia in national, regional and international meetings/activities when designated; participating in voting on priorities for inclusion in our plans; sharing information on the child rights situation in your respective country; disseminating our work to your local/national partner; contributing information to our external communication channels; attending meetings/activities; reading minutes and reports to keep abreast of CRC Asia decisions/activities; reporting our activities to your home organization; contributing to the resources of CRC Asia for the implementation of our activities and attainment of our goals; and paying the annual membership fee (USD 100 per calendar year).

Our considerations in reviewing applications

We are open to the membership of any national, regional, or international organization, network or coalition working in Asia that:

  • Promotes and protects the rights of children and young people
  • Has on-going programs involving children in Asia
  • Has experiences that may support our advocacy agenda of CRC Asia
  • Is governed by a child protection policy
  • Has the capacity and ability to mobilize partners
  • Is legitimate with sustainable programs

As part of our Child Safeguarding Policy and Code of Conduct (Section 6.2.1. Recruitment of Member Organizations):

“We shall not accept Member Organizations that have records of child rights violations, including those awaiting trial for crimes related to violence against children. Due diligence will be exercised by administering background checks of organizations applying for membership.

In addition to the criteria for membership indicated in CRC Asia’s Policies and Procedures, we shall check if the applying organization has its own policy on child protection/safeguarding and if these policies are consistent with ours. If the applying organization does not have one, it must be open to adopting CRC Asia’s Policy.

Every year, together with the renewal of membership through the payment of membership fees, authorized representatives of the Member Organization will be asked to express their adherence to this Policy.”

Our member organizations are also covered by our other organizational policies and procedures, including the Anti-Fraud Policy and Formal Complaints Procedure.

Our membership application process

Step 1: Submission of documents by interested applicants

Step 2: Review of documents and verification of information (which may include meetings and site visits) by the Regional Executive Director

Step 3: Review and decision by the General Assembly

Step 4: Formal approval of the Board of Trustees based on the decision of the General Assembly

Application documentary requirements

  • Signed letter of interest addressed to the Regional Executive Director
  • Accomplished membership application form (download here)
  • Legal documents or other documents to verify the nature of the organization and its work
    • Registration permit/s
    • Audited financial statements
    • Others
  • List of members (if the applicant is a coalition or a network)
  • Organizational resolution showing approval to apply as a member of CRC Asia (if the applicant is a coalition or a network)
  • Latest annual report
  • Child protection policy
  • Letter of endorsement from either a current CRC Asia member or the Regional Executive Director

Please submit the membership application form, together with the application documentary requirements, to